Saturday, November 11, 2006

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

2:21 - So I guess all the movies are running a minute late?

2:26 - CGI Yoda just isn't that cool. Puppets are awesome and classy. I'm always fascinated that everyone can speak pretty much every language spoken. They must have had some crazy foreign language classes in the republic.

2:28 - Oh Ani, you've grown so much! Pretty sad that Jedi's aren't allowed to meet girls, as Padme seems to be the only one Anakin has ever met. No lookers at the academy I guess, much like Westpoint, according to my friend Young.

2:32 - Anakin just said that Padme didn't like him watching her while she slept. Are you really shocked by this Anakin? Seriously, you talk about thinking about her everyday and then wonder why she's slightly creeped out by you? I guess the academy didn't cover a class on dealing with the opposite sex, or covered material related to social skills.

2:43 - Anakin's dry humor isn't playing very well. Or maybe that's just dry acting. Right now its hard to tell. Mac just called to make sure I'm still going strong....I reminded him that I am a jedi.

2:44 - Obi-wan just stopped some guy from dealing death sticks. We need jedi knights in the schools to tell kids that there is no hope with dope.

2:48 - One of Jar Jar's only scenes in the movie, and during his speech, Padme cuts him off. Needless to say Lucas got the word from the more talky talky from Binks.

2:50 - Anakin is such a crybaby. He is going off on Obi-wan to Padme. Remember they haven't seen each other in years and he starts complaining to her about his job. Way to make a first impression there!

2:58 - The Jedi kids are cool! I can't wait to send my kids to the academy. Sure the boarding will be hard, but they'll get to be Jedis!! (I maybe slowly losing it here)

3:01 - Padme just p3wnd Anakin! "Oh he's not a Jedi, he's a padawan" BURN!

3:03 - Hey neat! Nicole Ritchie is in this movie! I didn't know she had a cameo. I guess I have to give her more respect. Before I thought she was just a attention seeking, anorexic no talent hack. I apologize.

3:05 - Hey what's the best way to drive Anakin crazy? Oh I know where a really revealing dress and flirt with him. Oh Padme, you troublemaker! But seriously, could you turn her down in that outfit?

3:12 - Another annoying kid, Boba Fett. I wonder who would win in a fight between kid Anakin and kid Boba Fett. I think we would all be winners if they eliminated each other.

3:20 - Anakin's "nightmare" in bed....It's funny on so many different levels. Do I really need to say anything?

3:34 - Starting to get tired, I need something to wake me up...oh yeah, that helps a little bit...

3:42 - Anakin has found his mom. I always wondered why the Tusken Raiders carried her around? Did they use her as a punching bag or something, cause they are nomads so shouldn't they try to pack lightly? Carrying a woman tied to a few sticks just doesn't seem that practical. Am I looking into this far more than I should be? Perhaps, but hey its almost 4 in the morning.

3:44 - Random thought, Obi-wan has some cool hair in this movie.

3:47 - I just realized for me to watch all these movies, I'm going to have to stay awake for approximately 32 hours. Yeah this is not gonna be easy.

3:55 - Jar Jar just suggested that Palpatine be given unlimited power. This is Lucas once again trying to make amends with the fans by putting all the blame on Jar Jar for the Clone Wars and Palpatine's eventual rise to power. Its a nice touch George, but Jar Jar existing can never be forgiven.

4:04 - Yes I made it to 4 am! Anakin and Padme are expressing their love to one another right before they are gonna be wheeled out to their doom. I think its the same as watching robots express their love for one another.

4:06 - Ah yes the execution of the 3 heros. Obviously Dooku has never seen Austin Powers. If Scott Evil were watching this he would say something along the lines of, "I have a gun in my room, bang their dead, we can shoot them together!" Why do villains always have to think up some elaborate way to kill their enemies? One shot, bang! thats it.

4:09 - At this moment I would like to thank the dog/rat creature that rips Padme's shirt just enough to reveal her stomach. Thank you creature.

4:19 - Am I a jerk for laughing when Boba Fett picks up the helmet/head of Jango Fett? Yeah? okay just wanted to make sure.

4:28 - Obi-wan/Anakin vs. Dooku. After Obi-wan is injured, I'm waiting for him to yell "I'm badly burned, but I'm okay!" Anakin just got his arm chopped off. Its always cool when someone has a limb cut off because there is never any blood. I always found that weird as a kid.

4:30 - The Main Event! Yoda vs. Dooku "This Time, It's Personal!" Who is older between the two, cause Christopher Lee looks ancient. Yoda should aim for the knees, but he keeps leaping up in the air. Too much defense, not enough offense, that's why it ends as a draw.

4:35 - Anakin and Padme's wedding. Anakin went all out with his 14k arm. That's a nice touch.

Well somehow I have made it through 2 movies without having to drink coffee or my red bull. I am feeling a little tired, but I am keeping myself busy with random cleaning that needs to be done and soduku puzzles, although I'm learning its harder to do them at this time when my mind is bordering on insanity.


Hutch said...

I'll put your mind at ease: the heat from the lightsaber seals the wound closed. No blood can escape!

Hedwig said...

AW i was going to write that hutch!!! well you beat me to it.

Jim said...

Great job with the running commentaries! Perhaps I will stage my own James Bond marathon in anticipation of this Friday's new would be blogworthy, but since there are 20 movies, it would also involve taking some time off work.