Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Coolest Toy?

What's the coolest toy ever?

Mr. Potato Head of course!
For you keeping track at home I have Darth Tater and Original Mr. Potato Head Outside their box. The bottom row has Optimus Mash, Spud Trooper, Artoo-Potatoo, and Spider Spud. The middle row has Yam Solo, Princess Tater and Darth Mash. The top row has Luke Frywalker and Spuda Fett.
I was able to get the 5 in black boxes this past week at Disneyland. It totally made the trip worth it. I know there is an Indiana Jones Tater coming soon. I wonder what other ones PlaySkool will think up?


Curelover said...

Mr. Potato Head is cool.

Will said...

Since they don't have an Obama potato head, can I buy you this t-shirt instead?