Friday, December 15, 2006

A PSA from Brad

Hey kids, when you find you have a lose string coming from a spot on your pants leg, don't pull it. Simply cut it off.....Trust me on this one.

In completely unrelated news, does anyone have a few safety pins I can borrow?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why is Scrubs so good?

I was watching some of my Scrubs Season 3 the other day, and wow this really was its best season. Almost every episode from that season was very well made and acted. Although that past couple of seasons haven't been as good as they once were, I still think its worth checking out if you haven't done so before.

Here is the last scene from my favorite episode.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Foo Fighters are great

I've got another confession to make
I'm your fool
Everyone's got their chains to break
Holding you
Were you born to resist?
Or be abused?
Is someone getting the best of you?
Or are you gone and on to someone new?
I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose
You gave me something that I didn't have
But had no use
I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I'll break loose
My head is giving me life or death
But I can't choose
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse
Is someone getting the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
It?s real, the pain you feel
Your trust?
You must confess
Is someone getting the best of you?
Has someone taken your faith?
It's real, the pain you feel
The life, the love you'd die to heal
The hope that starts the broken heart
Your trust?
You must confess
Is someone getting the best of you?
I've got a another confession, my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again somewhere new
Were you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I'll never give in-I refuse
Is someone getting the best of you?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Conan is great!

Not sure how many of you watch Conan O'Brien every night, but if you haven't watched him recently I highly recommend it. Usually he is on way past my bed time, but last night I was up a little later than normal. On the show, Conan got to unveil his newest purchase, the website Its pretty much exactly what you would expect. Here is a sneak preview:

Pretty awesome huh? If you have any manatee photos, you can email them through the site. I think you should take the tour of the site until you reach the webcam, I think that's my favorite. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We have an interview!

Not sure if any of you saw this the World Series of Pop Culture on VH1 earlier this year, but its coming back for a second season, and guess who has an interview? Yeah, that's right I do.....Well Christie and Paul are on my team, but I set it up, so we'll just go with me....Just kidding guys. How can I begin to train for this so that the team can make it to New York and get on the show itself?

Monday, December 04, 2006

So I was listening to Kevin and Bean this morning and they were discussing this site called My Heritage. When you go there, you can upload a photo of yourself that will be sent through their "supercomputers" and they will find which celebrities you resemble most. I found a fairly recent picture of myself, and this was what I got back. I highly recommend you all do this, for entertainment purposes only of course, as its pretty much BS.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


1. Well Jay Cutler had his first start tonight. He wasn't overly impressive and I think Shanahan tried to limit how many mistakes he could make by running the ball a majority of the time. There were a few glimpses where he looked pretty good, and other times where I thought it was the second coming of the left-handed throwing Plummer. Next week will be a huge test as the team goes to San Diego. Right now I really can't say that I expect a whole bunch this year.

2. As usual, the BS-C....err I mean BCS computers got the game wrong. Everyone who watched college football this year can pretty much see that the top 2 teams this year were the University of Michigan and ohio state universtiy (all teams I don't like are never capitalized, in case you haven't noticed). Alas though, the computers somehow put the university of florida in the big game instead. For all of you who don't know the SEC is entirely overrated, but like to talk about how hard their schedule is. Its pretty annoying. If only USC had won yesterday, none of this talk would even be necessary, so thanks a lot (f)ucla! I could go on about this, but I'd get upset, although the games aren't for a month, so I'll have more time to vent later.

3. Yeah, the beard thing is still kinda itchy. Sure it looks nice, but it actually takes a bit of up-keep. Thoughts?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

In case you didn't know........

Yeah, I am not a fan of that school on the western part of the city.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I can't breathe

I hate having a running/stuffy nose. It pretty much ruins whatever it is that I'm doing. Anyway, I found this picture of post nasil drip. According to one person, its the diagnosis for everything!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I did it!

That's right, I was able to do 30 blogs in 30 days. Some blogs weren't my best writing, but I did accomplish this goal. I must say that it was a lot of fun. So much fun actually that I am gonna see how long I can keep this going. So for all my fans, thank you for visiting, and keep the comments coming!

As for bowling today, nothing to spectacular: 169,171,181...I think I found what I was doing wrong, I was throwing it to hard and over-rotating. I think I have fixed it for the most part.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I've felt better....

Today I have laid in bed all day and drank a grip of OJ, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

5 thoughts

1. I think I am getting sick, and I'm not excited about this.

2. I'm not sure if it is an upgrade or a downgrade for brittney to be hanging out with paris hilton over kfed.

3. Arrested Development on the G4 network is having a marathon on Christmas Day...I know what I'll be doing!

4. Is Airborne to be taken with cold, warm or room temperature water? Its gross any way, but I think cold is slightly better.

5. I am in a bowling slump....what am I doing wrong? I think I am throwing too hard, or perhaps its the lanes....yeah i'll blame the lanes.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Top 3 TV Characters

3. Dwight Schrute

2. GOB Bluth

1. Homer Simpson (as if there were any doubt)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Off to another game

Off to another exciting game today. This could be the difference maker between the Rose Bowl and the BCS championship. Let's go SC!

Friday, November 24, 2006

How cool are we?

So usually I would have put this post on my other website: but because of this blogging everday thing on this site I have decided to move it here.

This is an actual conversation had this afternoon as I was watching Star Wars episode II (yes again, only this time I was watching football as well)

BSH84: begin......this clone war has
ushamuka: ur watching 2?
BSH84: yeah its on
BSH84: there seems to be 2 star wars on the 3 different cinemaxs everyday
BSH84: 4 is on later
ushamuka: haha
BSH84: i think the big battles between the robots and the clones is kinda stupid
BSH84: cause really, they are both easily replaceable
BSH84: so why even fight?
BSH84: ponder that
ushamuka: because they need to distract each other
ushamuka: so the emperor can do his business
BSH84: yes but both sides are being manipulated, dooku and the jedis leading the campaign
BSH84: i have no life
ushamuka: but dooku is being lead by the emperor
ushamuka: so it is still the jedis vs the sith
BSH84: hmm very true
BSH84: but my point was that they both use pawns and how futile it is
ushamuka: that's all wars
ushamuka: you can't just send out the leader to fight the leader
ushamuka: unless you are william wallace
BSH84: ah so true
ushamuka: and duh, who wants to see a 2 hour jedi battle
ushamuka: i'd much rather see a 30 minute pod race and other fillers
BSH84: but with wars here on earth actual humans die, and thus can sway the the star wars universe what are the systems supposed to say? oh man we lost a lot of robots there
BSH84: don't diss the pod waver very exciting
ushamuka: well clones have feelings too
ushamuka: and so do the robots
ushamuka: the star wars robots are very sophisticated
BSH84: haha, i thought when raising the clones they took out those genes
ushamuka: or else they wouldn't run away
ushamuka: you would think so, but then why would that explain why boba fett was a whiny bitch
BSH84: they gave them loyalty, but not necessarily feelings...except gay feelings between 2 robots in particular
ushamuka: if the robots were loyal they wouldn't run away from jedis
BSH84: boba fett was an unaltered clone, hence jango was a little whiney bitch
ushamuka: ummm yeah that relationship was sexy
ushamuka: hahhha
ushamuka: i'm doing my physiology
BSH84: this is by far our gayest conversation
ushamuka: and talking about star wars
ushamuka: yeah i was about to say that
ushamuka: but it's okayi
ushamuka: it's about real issues
BSH84: yes i agree
BSH84: i also think i found my blog of the day
BSH84: since i'm trying to blog everyday this month
BSH84: there should be a class on the science of star wars
BSH84: including the aspects we, philosophy, so much could be covered
ushamuka: yes
ushamuka: and also about being abstinent
BSH84: i think that would come with the corse
BSH84: course
ushamuka: yeah see that course would be like being a jedi
ushamuka: cause you would have to refrain from love and sex
ushamuka: 2 things a jedi can't have anyways
BSH84: refrain or have it thrust upon you?
ushamuka: so what george lucas was actually saying is that the jedis were a bunch of nerds
ushamuka: and that midichlorians are nerd juice that deters chicks away from them
BSH84: haha
BSH84: where can one find said juice?
ushamuka: obi man wah kenobi
BSH84: hahahahah

So if you read all that, you must think either these are the two coolest people ever, or wow I can't believe I know these people and I've never speaking to them again. Either way, the star wars kid don't have nothing on us!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish everyone* a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are able to eat as much as you possibly can and sleep off the rest of the night.

*-Those associated with Charter Cable are not included.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Traffic is Fun

I just spent a cool 4 hours driving back from San Diego. I hope Amy is very appreciative, and makes me lunches for free over Christmas Break......hint hint.

Sorry I am really tired right now and just want to take a nap.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Saved by the Bell Trivia

Here are a couple Saved by the Bell Trivia questions. See how well you do:

1. Why does Zack join the Glee Club?

2. Why do Zack and company spend the night at the mall?

3. What as the name of Bayside's class play that the group all acted in?

4. Why doesn't Kelly want to go to her homecoming coronation?

5. What is the name of Stacy Corosi's college boyfriend?

6. How does Zack get Lisa to go out with Jesse's step brother?

7. What is the name of Kelly's baby brother who she brings to school?

8. What is Valley's mascot?

9. Who did Kelly break up with Zack for?

10. What is the name of the girl who wanted to be on the wrestling team?

Bonus: Why is the name of the mascot at the college attended by Zack, Screech, Slater, and Kelly?

If you can answer all of these, then you have no life like me!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Home again

Hello everyone. Sorry for my lame couple of posts that past couple of days, I was away from my home computer and didn't feel like spending too much time using other people's.

Phoenix was a lot of fun, I would post pictures but in case you didn't know my camera was stolen a few weeks ago. This was a nice ongoing joke for the trip though, as either myself or one of the other guys would as me to take pictures for memories.

This was pretty much ultimate sports weekend as I watched the Suns/Sixers game on Friday night, spent Saturday at "The Library" and "Hooters" watching the Michigan/OSU and USC/Cal games. As you probably guessed the two places I mentioned were both bars, and also needless to say I think I drank my fair share. Lucky for me I took a nap later in the evening and was fine the next morning. John, however, not quite as lucky that night.

Sunday we went to the Cardinals/Lions game. I think the best thing I can say is that the University of Phoenix Stadium is quite impressive and seems to have a good atmosphere. The teams, the parking and the food however weren't as good though.

Overall I have to say it was a pretty fun trip, and Phoenix was a pretty happening place. The roads all seem to be torn up, but driving around isn't too difficult we found.

I think my favorite part of the trip happened while having a conversation with our friend Dong after we passed the local greyhound race track.

Dong: You guys ever bet on dogs?
Rest of Us: No just horses, what about you?
Dong: No way man! Dogs are crazy!

So yes, never bet on dogs in a race, cause they are crazy. Follow that advice and you'll go far.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Thrilling Matchup!

I am on my way to the classic NFL powerhouse matchup of the Detroit Lions vs. the Arizona Cardinals. Needless to say I am pumped up about this one............

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Let's Go!

Today is a very important day for college football. I will be watching two games with BCS implications at hand. With any hope the two teams I want to win, will do so, and thus make my day of sitting in a bar drinking a more pleasurable experience. So with that




Friday, November 17, 2006

Rising Arizona

I'm here in Arizona. I'll updated you all later. I hope to meet Ed and H.I. and maybe Nathan Arizona.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Its Official Now

I made the call today. Now if I can only get a 60 million dollar deal like the #1 pic from this past year's draft.

Oh and you don't need to comment on the crappy photo editing job, I am already aware of it. And in case you are wondering why I didn't get a Broncos jersey being held up, its because usually only the top 5 drafted players get that honor, and last time I checked the Broncos haven't had that many crappy seasons to draft that early.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cheap Pizza

I think for the past 2 months or so I have gone out to eat once a week. The funny part is that I go to the same place every week; Pizza & Pasta on Main St. in Orange. It’s a little hole in the wall pizza place that offers, 2 big slices, a side salad and a drink for a grand total of $5.50!!! That price can't be beat!

Tomorrow a few coworkers and me will be playing in the Orange County Jeopardy tournament. Last year we came in 2nd and won a desk fountain (that broke after about a week). This year top prize is $20 to Quiznos. Needless to say I am going to be totally focused tomorrow. Wish us good luck!. And for the heck of it, give me some random facts that may come in handy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cover songs

Today I heard an interesting version of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. It was a cover done by Chris Cornell -

Monday, November 13, 2006

Random Thoughts

Here are 5 thoughts to think about today:

1. ESPN is getting screwed with their Monday Night Football schedule. They get crappy games (c'mon 2 raider games?!??!?!?) and they get to watch NBC get a flex schedule where they choose their own games. Sucks to be you ESPN.

2. It's odd, but it looks like the BCS may have just got it right this year. Trust me this is hard to admit, but look at the top 8 teams, they all play one another in the upcoming weeks. In a way it's like their own playoff.

3. I wish we would hurry up and get some real winter weather. Just last week it was 90 degrees. Where is the rain, where is the wind, where is the cold?

4. What looks cooler the Playstation 3 or the Nintendo Wii? Both look cool, but I'll refrain from either for the time being.

5. Which movie series would you like to see me do a movie log of?

Sorry if this was lame, not feeling overly creative right now.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - complete

10:28 - I already had the movie poster below, so I decided to go with Natalie's pic for this one. Why? If you are asking why then you are lame. I will start this one from where I left off two blogs ago, so that I won't repeat myself.

10:49 - General Grievous is always coughing and such and I bet many of you are wondering why. The answer is that Mace Windu used his "force crush" on him before he got on his ship. Thus he cannot breath so well with a crush chest cavity. How do I know this? Clone Wars Cartoons of course!

10:56 - Yes the two lovers are together not Padme and Anakin, C3P0 and R2-D2. They are cute together. This is in the early stages of their dating days I think. Okay now P&A are back together. Has anyone looked less pregnant than her?

11:00 - Oh crap its the "I'm so in love speech" - Stop it! Seriously! Natalie in the even clothing though, that can continue.

11:09 - Anakin still complains a lot. oohh I'm not a master, oooohhh don't make me spy. Just do your job!

11:13 - Hold me, like you did by the lake in naboo. Mac told me that's what Annie used to tell him.

11:15 - Doesn't Anakin realize that Palpatine can sense things....almost like in a Jedi way, but only from a different perspective. Anakin is still dumb and naive. Now Palpatine is gong on about Sith legends. It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's a Sith Lord. That's like me talking about bowling all the time, you would automatically assume I'm pro...which of course I am.

11:21 - Its nice to see Anakin apologizing for being a pain in the ass one last time to Obi-wan before leaving. Its not like he's never going to see him again.

11:22 - Here is something that bugged me. The Clones all share the same scar that Jango Fett did. My thought is that scars aren't in DNA, so how could they be transferred? Lame question, but seriously, that makes no sense.

11:23 - something happening. I'm not the Jedi I should be, I want more, and I know I shouldn't. I like to use this line relating it to whatever I want to be better at. Its fun! I'm not the Policy and Government Relations Advisor I should be, I want more!

11:35 - Palpatine gets cooler with the more power he gets. He tells Anakin who he is, but is so above Anakin that he makes him do nothing. Simply amazing. "I can feel your anger, it makes you stronger, give you focus"

11:37 - Obi-wan just uses a blaster. This is like Batman using a gun, it just doesn't happen.

11:39 - Ahh the moment in Star Wars when all goes to hell. Anakin starts crying and decides to save Palpatine. Cool scene though, flashes of Anakin and Padme staring out their windows into the sun. A moment of clarity for both I guess.

11:41 - Either Mace Windu brought the 3 weakest Jedis with him, or Palpatine is just one badarse fighter.

11:42 - If you have never seen the face Palpatine makes while fighting, watch ep3 again. They are classic, it almost looks like he is joking around.

11:47 - Does anyone else think palpatine looks funny before he puts his hood on? Where his hair is wild and his face is all burned? Yeah its hilarious.

11:50 - This is by far the most depressing moment in any of the 6 movies in my mind. The slaughter of the Jedi. The music really adds to the situation as well. This is by far one of Lucas's better directing and editing moments.

11:52 - Poor Yoda...he just dropped his cane. Luckily he is a badass and the clones have no shot.

11:54 - Anakin lights up his saber to kids...yeah that's messed up.

12:03 - Error Alert! When Anakin gets out of his ship on Mustafar uses both his hands to put on his hood. Neither one is a metallic hand. Both are normal. There was no life-like hand replacement yet, that didn't come til Episode V when Luke needed it.

12:10 - Obi-wan is going to talk to Padme. I like when he says that Anakin has turned to the darkside, she automatically knows what that means. Considering the Sith had been gone for hundreds of years, she must really know her history.

12:11 - Obi-wan "Anakin is the father isn't he? I'm so sorry" - Great line

12:15 - Padme just ran out of her fighter, has anyone looked less pregnant, I know I have asked already, but still! And she RAN to him! and she has twins! c'mon people!

12:16 - Anakin/Darth's speech to Padme is awesome. Anakin's first first choke too. He has grown up so fast.

12:18 - Darth and Obi-wan have their conversation, and are about to start battling "You will try!!"

12:20 - Yoda just took out the guards. The red guard was one of my favorite action figures as a kid. Not sure why, he didn't do anything, but just stood there.

12:20 - Yoda and Palpatine start their force push battle. I wish I could force push, I know I said it previously, but still awesome. Now Obi-wan and Darth battle it and push each other!!

12:23 - Fight in the Senate room. Is it lame that I was wondering while watching this, if the senators who are having their pods destroyed gonna be pissed? And how does Palpatine or the guards explain this? "umm yeah they umm, fell off their ledges. They umm weren't bolted down, sorry about that, we'll get you a new one"

12:26 - Nerd note: This is the only time in any Star Wars movie, where two of the same colored lightsaber battle one another.

12:30 - You underestimate my power! it looks like he is wearing mascara here

12:31 - oooh thats gotta burn a little. Poor Obi-wan, although I do give him credit for not sticking the lightsaber in his back or chopping his head off. Now he is becomng a crispy critter.

12:35 - The birth of the twins/birth of Darth Vader. Pretty cool mix. I really like the Vader operating room being pristine white. Ahh the helmet is coming, snap, ready to breathe. More nerd trivia: This is the first Darth Helmet to be perfect in its shape. All others didn't have a symmetrical mold.

12:39 - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - Darth looks pretty lame during this moment.

12:41 - Funeral on Naboo. Nice touch that they are adding in that necklace that Anakin gave her. Does anyone know that oh he killed her!!?!? Special appearances by Boss Nass and Jar Jar.

This is by far the best movie of the new trilogy. I don't even think its close, nor can I find anyone to argue with me. Anyway, thank you for reading. I will probably do episodes IV-VI sometime soon. Until then...Keep on trucking. I bet you thought I was gonna say, "May the force be with you!" - Fooled you!

Thank you all!

I would like to thank you all for giving me positive feedback on my life blog updates of watching the star wars movies. Although I could not finish them all in one setting while beginning at midnight, I do plan on finishing the other 4 movies for you all. I know you are dying to read them, or dying to see what a loser I really am, either way I'm flattered really. I will be watching Episode 3 tonight as its about to start. So there will be a new journal up later tonight. Until then....May the force be with you.

wow that was pretty lame, even for me!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

4:49 - The movie is starting. If Cinemax were really cool they would have shown The Clone Wars cartoon inbetween episodes 2 & 3, but alas they didn't. For my own sake it's probably better that they didn't.

5:00 - I really like Dooku's new finishing move. The choke hold that lifts Obi-wan off his feet. Its like when a wrestler creates a new move. Anakin just cut off Dooku's hands, quite an impressive move. The head rolling off after the decapitation is the just the finishing touch to an impressive fight.

5:07 - I have been up for 23 hours now.

5:15 - I'm so sorry.......its 5:15 and i have failed. the mission is not possible on the little sleep i got last night. Perhaps another day it can be done under my own circumstances.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

2:21 - So I guess all the movies are running a minute late?

2:26 - CGI Yoda just isn't that cool. Puppets are awesome and classy. I'm always fascinated that everyone can speak pretty much every language spoken. They must have had some crazy foreign language classes in the republic.

2:28 - Oh Ani, you've grown so much! Pretty sad that Jedi's aren't allowed to meet girls, as Padme seems to be the only one Anakin has ever met. No lookers at the academy I guess, much like Westpoint, according to my friend Young.

2:32 - Anakin just said that Padme didn't like him watching her while she slept. Are you really shocked by this Anakin? Seriously, you talk about thinking about her everyday and then wonder why she's slightly creeped out by you? I guess the academy didn't cover a class on dealing with the opposite sex, or covered material related to social skills.

2:43 - Anakin's dry humor isn't playing very well. Or maybe that's just dry acting. Right now its hard to tell. Mac just called to make sure I'm still going strong....I reminded him that I am a jedi.

2:44 - Obi-wan just stopped some guy from dealing death sticks. We need jedi knights in the schools to tell kids that there is no hope with dope.

2:48 - One of Jar Jar's only scenes in the movie, and during his speech, Padme cuts him off. Needless to say Lucas got the word from the more talky talky from Binks.

2:50 - Anakin is such a crybaby. He is going off on Obi-wan to Padme. Remember they haven't seen each other in years and he starts complaining to her about his job. Way to make a first impression there!

2:58 - The Jedi kids are cool! I can't wait to send my kids to the academy. Sure the boarding will be hard, but they'll get to be Jedis!! (I maybe slowly losing it here)

3:01 - Padme just p3wnd Anakin! "Oh he's not a Jedi, he's a padawan" BURN!

3:03 - Hey neat! Nicole Ritchie is in this movie! I didn't know she had a cameo. I guess I have to give her more respect. Before I thought she was just a attention seeking, anorexic no talent hack. I apologize.

3:05 - Hey what's the best way to drive Anakin crazy? Oh I know where a really revealing dress and flirt with him. Oh Padme, you troublemaker! But seriously, could you turn her down in that outfit?

3:12 - Another annoying kid, Boba Fett. I wonder who would win in a fight between kid Anakin and kid Boba Fett. I think we would all be winners if they eliminated each other.

3:20 - Anakin's "nightmare" in bed....It's funny on so many different levels. Do I really need to say anything?

3:34 - Starting to get tired, I need something to wake me up...oh yeah, that helps a little bit...

3:42 - Anakin has found his mom. I always wondered why the Tusken Raiders carried her around? Did they use her as a punching bag or something, cause they are nomads so shouldn't they try to pack lightly? Carrying a woman tied to a few sticks just doesn't seem that practical. Am I looking into this far more than I should be? Perhaps, but hey its almost 4 in the morning.

3:44 - Random thought, Obi-wan has some cool hair in this movie.

3:47 - I just realized for me to watch all these movies, I'm going to have to stay awake for approximately 32 hours. Yeah this is not gonna be easy.

3:55 - Jar Jar just suggested that Palpatine be given unlimited power. This is Lucas once again trying to make amends with the fans by putting all the blame on Jar Jar for the Clone Wars and Palpatine's eventual rise to power. Its a nice touch George, but Jar Jar existing can never be forgiven.

4:04 - Yes I made it to 4 am! Anakin and Padme are expressing their love to one another right before they are gonna be wheeled out to their doom. I think its the same as watching robots express their love for one another.

4:06 - Ah yes the execution of the 3 heros. Obviously Dooku has never seen Austin Powers. If Scott Evil were watching this he would say something along the lines of, "I have a gun in my room, bang their dead, we can shoot them together!" Why do villains always have to think up some elaborate way to kill their enemies? One shot, bang! thats it.

4:09 - At this moment I would like to thank the dog/rat creature that rips Padme's shirt just enough to reveal her stomach. Thank you creature.

4:19 - Am I a jerk for laughing when Boba Fett picks up the helmet/head of Jango Fett? Yeah? okay just wanted to make sure.

4:28 - Obi-wan/Anakin vs. Dooku. After Obi-wan is injured, I'm waiting for him to yell "I'm badly burned, but I'm okay!" Anakin just got his arm chopped off. Its always cool when someone has a limb cut off because there is never any blood. I always found that weird as a kid.

4:30 - The Main Event! Yoda vs. Dooku "This Time, It's Personal!" Who is older between the two, cause Christopher Lee looks ancient. Yoda should aim for the knees, but he keeps leaping up in the air. Too much defense, not enough offense, that's why it ends as a draw.

4:35 - Anakin and Padme's wedding. Anakin went all out with his 14k arm. That's a nice touch.

Well somehow I have made it through 2 movies without having to drink coffee or my red bull. I am feeling a little tired, but I am keeping myself busy with random cleaning that needs to be done and soduku puzzles, although I'm learning its harder to do them at this time when my mind is bordering on insanity.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

Lucky for me this is the first one, because if were later on in the night, I'm not gonna lie, I think I would pass out. Not because of Jake Lloyd of course.....

12:01 - Okay the movie hasn't started yet, this sucks. I am watching a trailer for King Kong, which is to be on in the near future I guess. Its not Kinky Kong of course (see other blogsite)

12:02 - Ahhh finally its starting. Do I clap when I see the scroll? umm no, that would be lame

12:06 - The first time someone (obi-wan) says they have a bad feeling about this....this maybe an ongoing theme

12:10 - The first appearance by Natalie. The makeup hides her....I am not a big fan of her in this movie cause of the weird-arse outfits.

12:14 - The first appearance by Jar Jar Binks....and my anger level rises. Seriously, why does he have to talk?

12:28 - Yes! Ric Olie is flying the Queen's starship. Ric Olie is one of my favorite characters because when the Episode 1 toys were released, some guy loaded up on all Ric Olie figures, claiming that they were rare and people would be searching all over for them. Needless to say he was a little off on his prediction, as in a week or so they were pretty much everywhere and stayed that way for about a year. Everytime me and Mac talk about toys, we always laugh at the Rick Olie guy. I wonder what he did with them all.

12:34 - Yes its Anakin! Oh Jake Lloyd you charm us so in this movie! Also we get to see Wattostein.....err Watto....the stein is just a little stereotyping. I mean not that Lucas does this throughout the movie....the asian trade federation, the african american get the point

12:46 - "Mom you always say the biggest problem in the universe is that no one helps each other" - Thank you Anakin! That's the worst line in any movie...ever! True story!

1:01 - The pod race begins. I have always felt that this scene was unnecessarily long...with it being 1 in the morning I now KNOW this is unnecessarily long. Do we really need to see all 3 laps? Yes I get it George Lucas, you can do everything better graphically than any other director, but seriously 1 lap and then the finish would be fine. Why are you wasting my time!!!?!!

1:12 - One word....poodoo

1:19 - Finally get to the first real lightsaber duel. I could never figure out why Darth Maul fights with a cloak on in the desert? Seriously now, isn't he hot? He could have won that battle easily.

1:27 - Yoda makes an appearance. In the new movies this is my favorite Yoda because its the same puppet used in Episodes V and VI. CGI Yoda is cool, but doesn't feel the same.

1:41 - Here is something that has always bothered me about this movie...Boss Nass. Now I get that he is the leader of the Gungans, but my problem is that he doesn't look like all the other Gungans. How are him and Jar Jar of the same Gungan race? I would compare it to the apartheid in South Africa. You had people running the country who were the minority in regards to population. I think the same holds true in Naboo...or am I being to extreme? (Hey I made an awesome rhyme there!)

1:51 - Jar Jar just did his William Wallace impersonation "Steady....Steady"

1:53 - The doors open to reveal Darth Maul, this time he has learned and takes off his robe before the duel even begins. Yes Duel of the Fates has also began to play. Its cool with the symphony and all, but nothing compares to the Brad/Mac harmonic rendition. If you have never heard it, you are missing out and you should always request it, when in the company of both of us.

1:57 - Queen Amidala and her crew just pulled a Batman and shot a hook arrow to get them to the higher floor. I only mention it as a Batman move, cause that's how Peter described it and laughed at when I took him to see it in the theater.

2:00 - I am feeling tired, I think for Episode II I will work on folding clothes and cleaning my room to help stay awake. Perhaps I will use my 1 red bull as well.

2:01 - The trade federation isn't that smart if they left doors to fly in and attack from the inside wide open. Anakin isn't some genius by any stretch of the means, he saw an open door and glided in's not rocket science here. Stupid fighter pilots.

2:02 - Qui Gon Jim just tasted hot lightsaber. Still don't know how a Jedi Master lost to a lowly apprentice. This isn't like any give Sunday, more powerful should mean better lightsaber skills. Have I mentioned how cool the "Force Push" move is? You don't even have to touch someone to push them away, totally awesome.

2:09 - After the battle, all the Jedi council comes to Naboo to congratulate the victors. If you look carefully though you will see that the Mace Windu member is not Samuel L. Jackson, but some other random guy. I guess he was busy that day or something. I know you are probably saying, but Brad it could be another random guy on the council. Wrong! I have seen the whole council, and Mace is the only black male, so I guess Lucas just through in some guy, thinking "hey the public is dumb, they won't notice." Guess what, I have no life and noticed

2:11 - I don't like how after Mace and Yoda discuss the apprentice/master they pan into Palpatine. That just makes it to obvious, give some sort of element of surprise here. We may all know, but don't just come out and say it.

2:12 - Yes the people and reptiles of Naboo share the big glowing ball thingy! All is right for now!

That wasn't nearly as bad as I figured it would be. I guess not having seen TPM for a couple of years helps as well. I guess its break time...Be back with Episode II: Attack of the Clones in a bit.

And so it begins....

The time is now 11:54. The star wars marathon will begin in 6 minutes. I will be doing live updated journals after each episode. So in theory I should have 6 blogs by 2 pm tomorrow. Who's excited!!! Yea, not so much anyone but me. Anyway wish me luck!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thanks for the memories

Thanks for deciding to opt out of your contract. To say that I won't miss your lame strike out swing, the constant fear of you getting hurt, and of course your awesome personality is and understatement. Nothing is going to give me a bigger smile than not seeing you in the lineup or the dl. I hope your agent gets you the deal you really want, and I look forward to you coming back to Dodger Stadium next year. So long and good night.

I am tired


What to do, what to do?

I hate hard decisions, especially when I have to make them.

Oh well, what can you do right?

I am currently watching the two "elite" big east football teams, Louisville and Rutgers. Needless to say I am being extremely sarcastic and if either of these two teams make it to the championship game something is really really wrong with the BCS....oh wait something is wrong with the BCS.

Lets look at every college athletic program for men and women's sports. How many do not have a playoff system....

1!!! - college football!! What is wrong here?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Just when you think you're out........

they pull you back in again!

I guess I sorta feel like Michael Corleone right now. I was all ready to say goodbye to lost. The show had pretty much annoyed me for the first six episodes this year, to the point where I no longer felt it was a necessity to watch. I told myself that if today's episode wasn't good enough I would be okay with walking away from it and not returning when it came back in February.

So I turned on the episode and I have to say it was easily my favorite episode this season. It left off at a point where I just want to know what's gonna happen next. Stupid networks and their stupid cliffhangers that keep you coming back. Dang you ABC, dang you!!!

So if you watched, what's gonna happen next?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Animated MTV show not named Beavis and Butthead

I'm not sure how many of you still watch MTV, or have watched it in the past 2 years or so. A while ago they put this show on called 3-south. It revolved around Barder College, which is apparently the worst college in America, who accepts anyone who is breathing. Trust me when I say anyone too. The show basically centers around roommates Joe, Sanford and Del. Sanford and Del may have an IQ around 20 each. They manage to just barely squeak by in their classes, annoy Joe and hang out with their equally brain dead friend Ed, drink, and disrupt the school. Its not extremely funny or anything like that, but for some reason I laugh at random parts. Its worth checking out, although I'm gonna tell you right now that its not for everyone.

In other news, I am on some sort of incredible bowling streak. Here are my last 6 games: 219, 201, 243, 213, 231, 224. Not sure what I'm doing differently but its awesome! (Its not steroids, so don't even suggest it)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Fantasy Champion

Standings Member List
Rank Team Points
1. tiger uppercut (Brad) 5,856
2. ILoveGolf ItJustDoesn'tLoveMe (Wally) 5,854
3. thainigger (Joe) 4,234
4. Zot Zot Zot (Jason) 2,355
5. LeeCarvallo'sPuttingChallenge (Paul) 2,303
6. ooooohhh wie!!!!!!! (John) 1,370

What you are looking at right now are the final standings for my fantasy golf league. Sure many of you probably play fantasy football, or fantasy baseball, etc, but it takes a true sports genius like myself to completely dominate all sports, no matter how lame they maybe. First of all I would like to thank Wally for continuing to motivate me to win (by being the only one to change his lineup every week), as I hate losing at anything. Secondly I would like to thank Mac for not playing this year as he easily won last year's title and thus had less of a life than I did. Lastly I would like to thank the PGA tour. Who else has a fantasy league that last 10 months of the year? Well maybe fantasy cricket....hmm now there's an idea!!

**stay tuned as in 2 weeks you should be reading about my dominance of fantasy nascar. You think I'm kidding, don't you?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bowling Leagues and Football Games

Having plenty of free time, Christe, John and I have joined a bowling league in Montebello. I have to say that I was really feeling these lanes. My scores for the series: 201, 243, 213. I had a nice streak in-between games 2 and 3 where I had 13 strikes out of 14 frames. I think we won all 3 games that we played. Great start fellow Panda Strike team members!

Big props to Broncos for finally getting over one of the hurdles from the past couple of seasons today by defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers. It’s a step in the right direction, as was going toe-to-toe with the Colts last week. Sure they didn't beat them, but they took them to the end of the game, so that's somewhat of a moral victory....I guess. Anyway they are now 6-2 and tied for 2nd in the AFC. They hold the tiebreak advantages over both the Patriots and the Ravens, which could come in handy later on. In the meantime, just keep winning, which in turn keeps me from throwing things. Go Broncos!

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Taking a cue from the "rhymes with gin" website, I will now discuss a current food/drink related obsession.

For some reason lately I have been drinking a lot of grape juice. Preferably, Welch's brand, cause it’s darker and better than others, such as Juicy Juice. I've found that its strangely compatible with pretty much whatever it is that I'm eating. I had a chicken dinner, drank grape juice. Had a turkey sandwich and found that grape juice worked with that as well. Now I just had some chocolate ice cream and yet again, grape juice is a strange match, go figure. So far my only theory on this has something to do with it being the Lord's blood shed for me, but I think that may get me in some trouble. So instead I’ll just call it a mini-miracle.

Friday, November 03, 2006


As my current position is slowly coming to an end, I had the opportunity to interview for a position over at the Health Care Agency this morning. Having not gone on a job interview in almost three years I can honestly say that I don't miss doing them at all. Not sure how the interviewers thought I did. I was under the impression that this was going to be an informal getting to know what the job entails meeting, but instead it was a full blown interview. I wasn't completely prepared for it, but nevertheless I'm quick enough to know how to speak well enough not to look like a complete idiot....well I hope I am. I'm still not sure if this is the job that was meant for me, I don't know. Maybe its partly because I don't want to leave what I'm doing now, perhaps its because I'm not sure what I do like to do. Maybe it’s even that I'm always waiting for something else. Maybe it's just that I like to complain, who knows? Anyway, they are expecting a writing sample, so I guess I'll be working on that this weekend.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day 2

Hmm, back to back posts, this is odd.

I went to the kings game last night, had awesome suite tickets from the lovely people at Ticketmaster. I will never speak ill of them again, or at least not until they charge some ridiculous price for "service fees". I will say that the Penguins looked very good and that Evgeni Malkin guy is not too bad....well that’s what I consider someone who scores 7 goals in his first 6 games, but hey that might just be me. I can say that when I played NHL 98 and 99 there was this one player who scored at least 3 points per game and led the league in penalty minutes...that guy was Bradley Hutchins a vicious Right Winger (zing!) from the Red Wings. He once paired up with Peter Leung of the Might Ducks of Anaheim in an all-star game. Needless to say the East all-stars had no shot.

Why is it only Thursday? It feels like a Friday, perhaps because the office all went out to lunch today. It was a going away party for Kelly who works in the office, as she is off to bigger and better things. I like to think of it as office survivor....her torch has been extinguished.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And so it begins

So I joined the 30 days 30 blogs posting in the month of November. Needless to say this is going to be kind of hard for me, as you've probably noticed my blogs are quite infrequent to say the least. Any who, bear with me as I try to do this. I'm sure there will be some lists to discuss, some rants to laugh about, and maybe some things to make your eyes roll. I'm gonna say the latter for the most part.

Things that are going through my head right now:

Why is my launch music radio station playing Belly's "Feed the Tree"? (secondly, why do you know this song?)
Why can't the Broncos beat the Colts?
Why is my stomach gurgling so much lately?
Why do I have writer's block for a work thing right now?
Any input on these questions would be greatly appreciated.

And now just because I need a good laugh:

Hope to see you all tomorrow!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Who will be lucky viewer number 2000 to the blog?

I was gonna put a picture for something related to 2000, but when i typed it in yahoo images i didn't get anything that i could relate to it. But interesting pictures nevertheless!!! (if you know what i'm saying? why am I talking like this?)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Put a pot of coffee on.....

It's finally happening!!!

Do I plan on staying up and watching them all? If you are actually wondering this then you really don't know me all to well. And yes I do have that Friday off! Thank you Cinemax!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So if a hitter like Jimmy Rollins can keep his hitting streak over two different seasons, why can't I do the same for my own sport? Last Thursday I finished up the last game in my series by bowling 6 strikes. Last night I went bowling again and started the first game with another 6 straight strikes. Last time I checked 6+6=12, and therefore I have now bowled 12 strikes in a row, and thus a perfect game. Sure its not going to show up on the electronic board, but I know it and now you know it...I'm perfect!

Me > you

Yes I know I haven't blogged in a while, and this is a pretty crappy one to come back to, but I can assure you that better blogs are on the way.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

For Paul:

In one of your previous posts you had some fuzzy math, so I thought I would help clear it up for you.

Broncos: 2-1
49ers: 1-2

Broncos > 49ers

It's science

Monday, September 18, 2006

Just Remember

Never, ever, ever leave a game early.

You just never know......

I realize I am a pretty odd person most of the time, but every once in a while it really strikes me as to how weird I can be. Here is an example for you:

My friend mentions that our former boss was in a wheelchair for a while. You would think that I would say something like: Is he okay? What happened? Is he doing okay now? Is it long-term? You know something that makes sense, but what is the first thing I ask her?

"Was his wheelchair motorized or manual?

Seriously, what is wrong with me?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's Back....for now.

I have been without blogger, or any blog webpages for the past week or so at work. Needless to say it’s, been a very slow week. Nevertheless, the error pages that I had been getting our gone, and I'm back to share some more. Because this is unexpected I hadn't really planned to write about anything in particular, so I will just do a quick update of things going on right now.

1. I won a trip to Las Vegas this weekend on the radio. 2 nights stay, poker strategy session and a poker tournament for me and a guest. Although the poker spot has been taken by my brother, anyone who wants to go is more than welcome. There are two spots open in my rental car (it says Chevy Impala or I hope it’s a 6-4!)

2. I have now had my beard/goat-t for one month. It’s still somewhat itchy. Even though I have been getting tons of compliments to how well it looks, I'm still not sure how long I want to keep it, although I know I do want to cut it into a handlebar mustache at some point....a la Hulk Hogan.

3. Do the Broncos think it’s funny to suck so badly on opening day? They have done it to me 2 straight years now, I am not impressed.

4. The Dodgers blew a 7 run lead last night, that can't be good, that can't be good for anyone. At least our magic number is currently at 18.

5. My back had been bothering me, and it was suggested that I try sleeping on the floor, upon doing so for 3 nights; I am going back to my bed.

6. Yesterday I picked up "The Office" box set as well as Arrested Development, Season 3. Two of the best shows to come along in a long time. (Future list blog, going through my mind right now. stay tuned!)

7. Also got to see a screening of the first 3 episodes of How I Met Your Mother on the Fox lot. A few of the stars of the show were there to watch with us, that was pretty cool.

Sorry I don't really have any pictures to go with any of these things. I'll try to make my next blog more picture-rific!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things I Hate #3

Okay if you are going to smoke weed, whatever, but don't come crying to me about the cops taking your "medical marijuana." First of all the people I have spoken to on the phone are not cancer patients and one guy I really believe is just a freelance weed user. If that’s your choice, that’s fine, but don't say you need it for medical reasons. Anyway one of these genius people called me at work the other day and started going off on all these odd tangents (she said it was because she didn't have her medicine, my guess is she was medicating with other things, but I digress). She mixed up what I was saying about Federal DEA agents whom she brought up and local authority’s jurisdiction officers which I know somewhat about. Anyway long story short, she immediately gets the facts wrong and posts it on her weed message boards. Naturally the "weeders" come to her defense and begin calling me, to which I have to explain to all of them what we were talking about. I asked that she wait until I finish looking into her case before she begins posting my names on the board with incorrect information that I was looking into. So yeah that’s how I spent my morning yesterday. If you would like to read the boards let me know I'll find them for you. At one point a guy calls me an Ass Clown!!!

The Season Begins!

With the NFL season right around the corner I have put together my list of how I want all of the other teams to finish. I have added the reason why I like or dislike each team. I originally compiled this list at work as my coworker did the same thing, but I decided I spent too much time for only one person to read it, so here you go!

1. Denver Broncos - I think this is pretty obvious as i am waiting 10 years for season tickets. Maybe then I’ll actually make it to the stadium.
2. Carolina Panthers - I love John Fox as a coach, Steve Smith is entertaining to watch, Jake Delhomme throws it up there, plus their defense is fun to watch.
3. Chicago Bears - I've always like Chicago as a team and think football is better when they are winning. I just wish they'd get something together that resembles an offense.
4. New England - Great team, great coach, owner who makes smart decisions. This is a very likeable team.
5. San Diego Chargers - Even though they play in the AFC West and should be a rival, I do enjoy cheering for them. Perhaps its out of some pity, perhaps its cause they are the closest thing to LA having a team. Not sure which it is, but I just can't hate them (minus 2 weeks out of the year)
6. Pittsburgh Steelers - Good Hardnosed Football. Some of the best real fans in the game
7. Green Bay Packers - Go Cheeseheads, although as time passes and Aaron Rodgers becomes the full time QB I would expect them to fall in my polls.
8. Cincinnati Bengals - Even up to a few years ago when they stunk I would still kind of want them to win. I liked Boomer growing up, cause he was one of the few lefty QBs i saw. Good to see them back winning. And I still think Carson Palmer throws the best deep ball in the game right now.....perfect spiral.
9. Buffalo Bills - This is a throwback to when they were good. I would have put them in the top 5 back when they had Kelly, Thomas and reed. My guess is they will win 3 games this year.....that could be an optimistic guess.
10. New York Giants - I like the Giants as a team, but individuals on the team i just can't stand (Manning, Plax)
11. Miami Dolphins - They are going up my list because I like Saban a lot and Ronnie Brown too. Still a little bitter cause I didn't like the Marino days.
12. Cleveland Browns - This team is on the right track with the right coach, and getting Willie McGinest is cool too.
13. Tampa Bay Bucs - I like Gruden more that he is in Florida, but I’m still not a Simms fan though, but love the D
14. Philadelphia Eagles - I liked Randall and I like Donovan, but that’s about it, nothing about this team has ever excited me that much.
15. New York Jets - J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS! - They are going to be bad for another couple of years though.
16. Arizona Cardinals - I used to laugh at them, but they are moving up, almost as if they are trying to win!
17. New Orleans Saints - Once they move to Los Angeles I'll put them higher. They should be fun to watch for many years though
18. St. Louis Rams - Another crappy owner here, their former coach was way to high on himself, an overrated QB and RB..this team has been on my bad side for a while.
19. Seattle Seahawks - I like Shaun, but that’s about it, I don't like Hasselback. This could be going back to the days of the AFC west
20. Detroit Lions - I miss Barry, that’s the only thing i can say
21. Tennessee Titans - I like Jeff Fisher and Norm Chow a lot, but cheering for Vince Young is just too much for me.
22. Indianapolis Colts - Peyton is only cool when making stupid commercials where he is cheering for grocery store works. Oh and tearing up the Broncos defense 2 of the past 3 years hurts as well.
23. Houston Texans - I would like to watch this team get better, I like Carr, but the rest of this team is really bad, and aren't getting much better. With Davis out for the year, you will hear the uproar over Reggie starting in week 1.
24. Washington Redskins - A pompous owner to start. oh and then there was that 47-10 thrashing of the broncos that I still haven't recovered from....that was the first Superbowl I watched.
25. Minnesota Vikings - They play in a dome, so that’s one knock against them, think of the weather advantage if they had an outdoor one! Anyway, this team has been fun to watch in the past, but are now just a joke, and a boring one at that, unless of course they take another cruise, then they’ll be an exciting joke.
26. Kansas City Chiefs - Division rival who I just can't cheer for under any circumstance. I will say their stadium makes some loud noises! (As brick would say).
27. Jacksonville Jaguars - Ever since their upset of Denver in the playoffs I have not liked this team...not much has changed (oh that was supposed to be Denver’s year, and their last year with the orange jerseys...that’s how those jerseys should have been retired!)
28. Atlanta Falcons - I didn't like the dirty bird, I don't like Vick, I think they are vastly overrated, and they play boring football
29. San Francisco 49ers - This is basically from my childhood of watching my brother be excited for his team while I cried for mine, I think its funny how far they have fallen, but at the same time its sad to see what the owners did to the team.....I’m not losing any sleep over it though.
30. Dallas Cowboys - To say that people in Dallas think very highly of themselves is the understatement of the year. I like Parcells cause he keeps order, and I’ve always like Bledsoe, but TO, Jerry Jones, and former player Michael Irvin are still what I see in Dallas, and I don't like them
31. Baltimore Ravens - I really do like McNair, but I can't stand players who murder people.....oh and arrogant offensive minded coaches who don't put together anything that resembles a real offense in the years he has been there.
32. oakland raiders - I hate the fans, the owner, the players, the stadium, the "traditions", their emblem, their colors, basically anything that has to do with this franchise makes me utterly sick.

I know it was really long, but it was my best Simmons impersonation, and I am new at this. Your thoughts and own rankings are welcome

Monday, August 28, 2006

Season Tickets

I have just entered my name into the waiting list for Denver Broncos season tickets. Before you point it out to me, I am already aware that I am not exactly close to Denver:

Never fear though, as there are currently 24,000 people on the waiting list. I figure that over the next few years I can save up some money and when my name actually comes up on the list I will be able to afford to fly out to Denver a few times a year to watch them play, and sell or give away the other tickets to people. Its the perfect plan! It feels nice to be one step closer to being a season ticket holder for an NFL team.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Going back to DC?

Perhaps my question of where I should go next has already been answered for me. I clicked here and found this:

"In just four weeks, Tai Shan, Mei Xiang, and Tian Tian will enjoy two new outdoor areas and lots more indoor space. New features include a water-cooled grotto, pools and streams, a fog grove, and a cooled rock on which a panda and a visitor can sit side by side, separated only by glass. Visitors will have other opportunities for up-close encounters with the bears, see them from more vantage points, learn about them at the fantastic Clint Fields Conservation Plaza, and more."

Ever since I went to DC in the spring I haven't been so panda gung-ho, as Tai was being a little prima donna and not coming out to have his picture taken while I was visiting. Perhaps me reading this is a sign that Tai has come to his senses and is ready to come out and have his picture taken for me.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I heart sports

A lot of people think that I have an addiction to sports. Do I? I really can't say foresure, but I will let you guys decide for me. This day actually did happen about 2 months ago, maybe less.

6:10 am - My TV is set to be my alarm clock so when it turns on, it is automatically on ESPN2 and I get to watch the Mike and Mike Show. I'll usually watch this for a few minutes before getting up. As I'm shaving, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, etc I'll usually watch them, and listen to their funny stories. Mike Golic used to annoy me, but now he is pretty entertaining. Everyone thought his brother Bob would be the real star, after all he was in Saved by the Bell: The College Years, but I digress.

6:50 am - Got in my car to go to work. Turned on 710 AM Radio. That's KSPN the ESPN radio affiliate for Southern California. Listened to the Colin Cowherd Show. He is somewhat entertaining at times, but usually says something stupid that I turn him off. Today was a rare day that I actually agreed with what he said so I listened straight until I got to work.

8:00 am - First thing I do when I get to work, check my fantasy teams from the day before. (At the time I am writing this blog, I want you to know that I am currently in 4 fantasy baseball leagues, 5 fantasy football leagues, 1 fantasy pick 'em NFL league, 1 fantasy golf league and 1 fantasy NASCAR league. That's right, you read correctly, golf and NASCAR...don't judge me). I make the necessary changes for each league, depending on the match up and such, put in the correct starting pitchers and then I’m good to go.

8:20 am - After finishing my fantasy teams, I look to read about the Dodgers, since its baseball season. First I usually check Dodgerblues. This is a great site with a good sense of humor. I also check out the Dodgerdugout. This site is okay, somewhat good during the prime trading and free agent seasons. After reading these two fan sites I head over to the regular Dodgers website.

8:40 am - After reading up on the Dodgers, I decide its time to read the general news. Hmm let me rephrase, my general news, which basically means Sports Illustrated Online and ESPN. These two sites usually have some feature story that I'll want to read, or some picture gallery that has some cool photos. I usually take a good amount of time to read these sites, you know to make sure I know what’s going on?

9:05 am - This day happened to be a really good day, cause my favorite write on put up one of his entertaining mailbags. For those of you who haven't heard of him before, Bill Simmons is a writing genius. He is able to put together sports, pop culture, movies, TV shows and Las Vegas in virtually everything he writes. I highly recommend that all of you take a few minutes to read him here.

9:30 am - At this point I decide I should probably do some real work, respond to phone calls, check email, work, etc. Never fear though, I have a handy dandy radio on the desk in back of me. Flip it on to hear the last 30 minutes of the Cowherd Show. As I said before, he is okay in short doses, but I usually need a break, 30 minutes is a decent amount of time to listen to him sum up his topics of the day.

10:00 am - This is where my day really kicks into full gear. Every weekday at 10:00 am I get to listen to my favorite sportscaster/sports talk radio host, the one, the only, Dan Patrick. Dan is easily the smartest, funniest, thoughtful and well spoken member of the ESPN TV and Radio family. I will listen to him for all 3 hours that he is on, as he has the best topics, best guests and best insight into pretty much every sport.

10:15 am - This day in particular is extra special because, not only do I get to listen to Dan Patrick, I am also pleasantly surprised to find numerous afternoon baseball games are on the schedule. First thing I do when I see this is turn on the TV (yes there is a TV in my office). Booyahkah! I find the Tigers game is on ESPN2! My lucky day! I mute the sound so I can continue listening to the radio, but have the game going, so when I look up from doing my work I can see the score and what’s going on.

12:30 pm Today is my lucky day because the angels are playing an early game which means I can stop watching the Tigers game, and switch over to Fox Sports to watch the Angel game! Of course I do switch back to make sure the other game is still going along okay.

1:00 pm - The Dan Patrick Show has now come to an end. What awesome show do the programmers have for me now? Why it’s the Gary Miller and Dimarco Farr West Coast Bias Show. I listen to these guys for probably about 20-30 minutes tops. They aren't really that good, and they usually don't know what they are talking about. I can't recommend them to anyone, unless you like crappy radio, then by all means listen!

2:00 pm - The two baseball games I had been watching are now over. Luckily this is when the prime ESPN TV programming kicks in. At 2:00 I watch a show called Around the Horn. The show has journalists from all regions of the country on tv screens to discuss the topics of the day. Most days they have a couple of really annoying columnists.

2:30 pm - Right after Around the Horn, my favorite talk show on ESPN comes on, Pardon the Interruption. The show features hosts Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser discussing sporting news of the day. They are usually pretty blunt and honest. If someone is being stupid, arrogant, selfish, they will come out and say so, not having to tip toe around the issues like other shows. This is one of the highest rated shows on ESPN, so it has to be good.

3:00 pm - Sportscenter comes on. This way I get a recap of all the games that happened earlier as well as previews for the later games. It is pretty much the quintessential show in sports.

4:00 pm - At this time I usually turn off my TV and turn the radio back on. Not sure why though cause the only thing I can get in my office sports related is The Big Show, with Mason and Ireland. These two guys together usually make about as much sense as a bear driving a car. There is never any logic too them, yet I listen anyway, go figure.

4:30 pm - East coast night games start around this time. ESPN is currently covering the Red Sox game. They seem to play almost every single Red Sox or Yankee game. It’s kind of annoying, but I guess that’s where most of the fan loyalties lie. I mean no one wants to see the riveting Royals vs. Devil Ray game do they?

5:00 pm - Yes! It's time to go home. Yes in case you forgot I was at work this entire time. At 5:00 pm, I get back in my car and turn on 570 AM for the Good Times Show. I think I would like this show a lot better if it were only Money, but alas he has Joe Grande and Wayne Cook to help him co-host. This show is pretty easy to get through to on the phone. I was lucky enough to win Harlem Globetrotter tickets from the show! Trust me, if you haven't seen the globetrotters, you are missing out. Occasionally I will check what Mason and Ireland are doing, but for the most part the ride home is all 570.

6:30 pm - Get home after a long drive home and the first thing I want to do is relax. Naturally I read the paper. I'll usually do the soduku puzzle and then head for the sports section. I usually read the TJ Simers article first, as he is sarcastic and funny and has even used me in one of his articles (true story I have a copy of it). After that I'll flip over to the Dodger and Angel updates for the game that day, or the upcoming series.

7:00 pm - Sweet, its a Dodger home game today! You know what that means, me sitting and watching them for the next 3 hours. I usually expect the worst when watching a Dodger game, especially during the time period that this game was being played in.

10:00 pm - Go online, read up on any late breaking nightly sports stories on the same websites I read earlier in the day.

11:30 pm - Just about bedtime, set my sleep timer so my tv will automatically turnoff. What do I fall asleep to? That’s a pretty easy question, the ESPN news channel.

So yeah, that was a pretty fun day I think. I don't have an addiction or some sort of illness right? I didn't think so, but I thought I would share this with you all just to prove my point. Some people just don't understand it’s totally normal I guess. Oh well. I hope I have another one of these days soon.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

San Francisco and the long ride home

After a few days alone I was ready to be able to talk to real people again. I drove up to Oakland airport really early on Saturday morning. While waiting for their flight I was able to go to harbucks and give my brother directions over the phone for my fantasy draft.

Well at 1 pm, John and Wally landed and we were off to SF. I forgot how much I hated traffic and getting around the city. There are way too many one way streets, hills, and just stupid drivers. Thank you again to John for driving.

After eating a grab linner (yes thats linner, in between lunch and dinner, don't judge) we headed over to have a beer with Tim, Gilbert, Matt, Tezo and Marlene before heading off to the ballpark. We drink a beer and then head over to the stadium and wait for Tim to come bring the tickets...and we wait....and we wait....and the game starts...and we wait. Eventually Tim comes running down the street and we rush in the stadium. Its okay as we only missed the first 1 1/2 innings though right? Well normally yes, but here the Dodgers scored 10 runs in the first 2 innings....lets all thank Tim now....THANKS TIM!!

Anyway the rest of the game was still a blast. Talking smack to Giants fans isn't nearly as intimidating as talking to other fans. Perhaps its cause the Dodgers are in first and the Giants are in last, perhaps its cause the Dodgers were killing the Giants, or perhaps its cause the Giants fans are small weak looking white people, you can decide for yourself. They really had nothing to counter with, it was fun.

Anyway the game ends and naturally the Dodgers win! Go Dodgers, although a Dodgers win just isn't the same without singing "I Love LA".

So after sleeping in our luxorious and spaceous hotel room:

We headed back to Southern California. It was a great ride home, well except for the shredded tired/torn wheel well and bumper incident. Don't worry we are fine and the ride home was only 9 hours, but it pracically flew by...oh wait not so much.

So after two trips in a few weeks where my car has suffered flat/shredded tires I think it is for the best that I don't take my car any further than San Diego. I think its trying to tell me something. Other than that though I had a really good vacation, San Francisco was a lot better than going to Oakland for the Angel's game last year. Now I am looking forward to my next sporting adventure. As of right now I have Arizona in November, but September and October are still open.....any suggestions?