Friday, March 30, 2007

Gotta Catch Them All!

Being a political scientist (okay I'm not really one, but that's what my degree is in), I do find politicians interesting people and have decided to try to say that was able to meet someone at each political level. Let's do a quick checkoff right now.


President George W. Bush: Check!
Speaker of the House:

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert: Check!

United States Senator:

Sen. John McCain: Check!
United States Congresswoman
Rep. Hilda Solis: Check!
California Sate Senator
Sen. Lou Correa: Check!
California Assemblyman
Rep. Todd Spitzer: Check!
County Board of Supervisor:
Supervisor Thomas W. Wilson: Check!
And now the newest member to my collection
Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger: Check!
I need to meet a Vice President, preferably not Cheney. Elder Bush would be cool though
I think next up I'll do a sports one of these lists of who I met....yeah I know its sooooooo exciting.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Going to see Arnold....It's gonna be HAWWWTT

Sacramento here I come! Hmm upon thinking this over, perhaps its not that exciting. On the plus side its all expenses paid, on the down side its Sacramento. On the plus side I get out of the office for a few days. On the down side, its still Sacramento. On the plus side I get to sleep in since the conference I'm attending is just downstairs. On the downside the conference is in Sacramento still.....yeah good times.

I fly out tonight and will be back on Thursday night, then off to Vegas on Friday evening for my dad's bowling trip, where hopefully he will win big so we can go to Wynn Buffet. Or perhaps Morten's Steakhouse? I doubt he will take the cue from my the last person I went to Morten's with and get to taste it twice. Haha, good one Tim!.

My Day Thus Far

1. Spilled scolding hot water on my hand this morning fixing hot chocolate.
2. Spilled scolding hot coffee on my hand this morning after purchasing it from coffee machine.
3. Sit down at my desk with my cup of coffee and a gnat decides to commit suicide by flying into my cup of coffee.

It has not been a good day for me drinking things today. I am somewhat scared to go get a glass of water now.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Long time, No Blog

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of blogs, I think most pissed off would be my blog itself. So a big forgiveness, please blog?

Moving on…

After reading John’s blog trip to New York, I felt that I needed an awesome trip myself. Then it was announced that John would be making a return visit in May. Deciding to be a good friend so that he wouldn’t have to watch plays by himself, eat by himself, do tours by himself, etc. I decided that I would sacrifice my time and go along (this has nothing to do with the hotel his work is paying for or the fact that the Red Sox happen to be in town to play the Yankees). My only other trip to NY lasted for about 5 hours back when I was living in DC. Me and two friends drove up, had a slice of pizza watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest on stage, went to Rockefeller Center and then proceeded to drive back. Needless to say, I have a lot of sightseeing to do. For those of you who have been there, what do you suggest I do?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Email of the Day

Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I should be. Here is a new feature which I hope to start using more, "Email of the Day!" Today's email comes from my friend Toby while discussing the movie 300. Enjoy:

I haven't seen it, it looks tight though. Ever since I saw the previews, whenever I disagree with someone I yell and at them and kick them down a well.

For example:

Guy at Wendy's: We're all out of freshly cut tomatoes.

Me (kicking guy in chest): THIS. IS. SPAAAARTAAAAAA

This had me laughing for the rest of the afternoon. I can't promise that everyday I'll post an email that is the funniest or most entertaining, as some days are really slow. I can say that in order for more postings, send me more emails!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

So this past weekend me and my bowling team, "The Pinaholics" had are sweepers for the end of the season in the happiest place on earth.....LAS VEGAS!

The trip started out badly as the person who was supposed to go with me fell ill and it looked like I would be left alone.......lucky for me I knew someone who is usually up for Vegas, gambling, and especially drinking.....that person....


The trip started out like every trip with Tim does, lots of drinking and Tim winning lots of money. How does he do it? No one really knows for sure, I think the magic lies in the Jack Daniels that he drinks by the gallon, but I digress.

On Friday night, and with both of us up money still, we decided to splurge and go eat somewhere nice:

Morton's Steakhouse.

It's cool, they really bring out the pieces of meat like this. Anyway, the meal was awesome, and we felt really grown up. After dinner we proceeded to lose all our our money. Although we should have known from previous trips, but, Mandalay Bay is the worst Casino in Vegas. Don't ever go there under any circumstance to gamble! I cannot stress this enough. So yes we both lost.

The last day I did my bowling sweepers. I personally didn't bowl very well, but lucky for me the other members on my team rocked, and as a team we took 1st place - Booyah! New season starts tomorrow, our new goal is to try to come in 1st for the regular season and get a trophy. I think our team is due for a name change, here are my suggestions, do you have any better?

1. Angry Pirates - For some reason the girl on our team doesn't like this
2. Barely Legal - Our team number is 18, so 18, barely legal...huh..huh?!? clever i know!
3. Dancing Avocado - Our teammate works for the Avocado Association and jokes he has a costume he takes to events to dance in.
4. You said No??!! - This is a joke towards another guy who said no to a hot girl when she asked him out cause he was shy, no one ever lets him live it down.

So yeah, those are what I've though of thus far. Pretty lame I know, but Pinaholics was a whole other team, time to move on.

Oh and congrats to whoever hits 5,000 for views. Amazing I got that many in under a year.