Friday, March 30, 2007

Gotta Catch Them All!

Being a political scientist (okay I'm not really one, but that's what my degree is in), I do find politicians interesting people and have decided to try to say that was able to meet someone at each political level. Let's do a quick checkoff right now.


President George W. Bush: Check!
Speaker of the House:

Speaker J. Dennis Hastert: Check!

United States Senator:

Sen. John McCain: Check!
United States Congresswoman
Rep. Hilda Solis: Check!
California Sate Senator
Sen. Lou Correa: Check!
California Assemblyman
Rep. Todd Spitzer: Check!
County Board of Supervisor:
Supervisor Thomas W. Wilson: Check!
And now the newest member to my collection
Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger: Check!
I need to meet a Vice President, preferably not Cheney. Elder Bush would be cool though
I think next up I'll do a sports one of these lists of who I met....yeah I know its sooooooo exciting.


Curelover said...

I reject this post completely. Ha ha just kidding. Yea let's see if you can collect them all. Actually I can put Tom on my list cause I have met him.

Hedwig said...

That's pretty impressive. I've only met Hilary Clinton when she was the first lady(and by "met", I mean taken a picture with her and shook her hand). I think I met a Senator in DC when I went for Jr. High, but I don't know who it was...he was asian lol.

Jim said...

Very impressive list! Sadly, I've only met a couple cabinet members, though I once almost bumped into Gerald Ford when he was walking out of a building on the University of Michigan campus.

Hutch said...

I don't remember you meeting Dubya. I call shenanigans.

Darth said...

I said hello to Dubya as well as Laura when I was in the Capitol and they walked passed me. He nodded thus acknowledging me.

I have pictures with Bob Dole, so thats a presidential top 2 candidate as well.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

How about an Ambassador?

And I'm a notary public...have we met?