Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

So this past weekend me and my bowling team, "The Pinaholics" had are sweepers for the end of the season in the happiest place on earth.....LAS VEGAS!

The trip started out badly as the person who was supposed to go with me fell ill and it looked like I would be left alone.......lucky for me I knew someone who is usually up for Vegas, gambling, and especially drinking.....that person....


The trip started out like every trip with Tim does, lots of drinking and Tim winning lots of money. How does he do it? No one really knows for sure, I think the magic lies in the Jack Daniels that he drinks by the gallon, but I digress.

On Friday night, and with both of us up money still, we decided to splurge and go eat somewhere nice:

Morton's Steakhouse.

It's cool, they really bring out the pieces of meat like this. Anyway, the meal was awesome, and we felt really grown up. After dinner we proceeded to lose all our our money. Although we should have known from previous trips, but, Mandalay Bay is the worst Casino in Vegas. Don't ever go there under any circumstance to gamble! I cannot stress this enough. So yes we both lost.

The last day I did my bowling sweepers. I personally didn't bowl very well, but lucky for me the other members on my team rocked, and as a team we took 1st place - Booyah! New season starts tomorrow, our new goal is to try to come in 1st for the regular season and get a trophy. I think our team is due for a name change, here are my suggestions, do you have any better?

1. Angry Pirates - For some reason the girl on our team doesn't like this
2. Barely Legal - Our team number is 18, so 18, barely legal...huh..huh?!? clever i know!
3. Dancing Avocado - Our teammate works for the Avocado Association and jokes he has a costume he takes to events to dance in.
4. You said No??!! - This is a joke towards another guy who said no to a hot girl when she asked him out cause he was shy, no one ever lets him live it down.

So yeah, those are what I've though of thus far. Pretty lame I know, but Pinaholics was a whole other team, time to move on.

Oh and congrats to whoever hits 5,000 for views. Amazing I got that many in under a year.


Hutch said...

5. Giant Douche
6. Turd Sandwich

This episode happened to be on when I was reading your post.

Cyn said...

i like angry pirates. the girl can be your wench. man i wish i had cash monies to be in a bowling league.

Curelover said...

Ohhh I was number 4,999 when I went to your page. Coolness :) Whoever comes next will be 5,000.

Hedwig said...

Mandalay Bay SUCKS! That's where I started my losing streak after winning big at, where else, the Wynn. Also on my losing tour, Luxor, Monte Carlo and Excalibur. Wack!

Sorry I'm not in a creative state of mind right now. If I think of a clever name I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

How 'bout "Twisted Monkeys" for you bowling name..? It relates to absolutely nothing...just like bowling. =)
Stick with Imperial Palace...great place to get married...oh, yeah, and win money too. (It paid for the wedding).