Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Email of the Day

Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I should be. Here is a new feature which I hope to start using more, "Email of the Day!" Today's email comes from my friend Toby while discussing the movie 300. Enjoy:

I haven't seen it, it looks tight though. Ever since I saw the previews, whenever I disagree with someone I yell and at them and kick them down a well.

For example:

Guy at Wendy's: We're all out of freshly cut tomatoes.

Me (kicking guy in chest): THIS. IS. SPAAAARTAAAAAA

This had me laughing for the rest of the afternoon. I can't promise that everyday I'll post an email that is the funniest or most entertaining, as some days are really slow. I can say that in order for more postings, send me more emails!

1 comment:

Curelover said...

Though that is a funny email I'm not sure it makes for a good blog. I'm just saying.