Friday, December 15, 2006

A PSA from Brad

Hey kids, when you find you have a lose string coming from a spot on your pants leg, don't pull it. Simply cut it off.....Trust me on this one.

In completely unrelated news, does anyone have a few safety pins I can borrow?


Curelover said...

Ha ha you would pull it. What a lame-o.

Darth said...

No, no, no, i'm just telling people not to do it, I mean why would I pull it that makes no sense and I would look like an idiot if I did.

Curelover said...

WHERE ARE THE BLOGS!!! You are losing viewership.

Anonymous said...

Oooor, you can do what my husband does...burn it off with a lighter.

You gotta be quick or your pants go up in not to be in them when attempting this method...