Wednesday, November 01, 2006

And so it begins

So I joined the 30 days 30 blogs posting in the month of November. Needless to say this is going to be kind of hard for me, as you've probably noticed my blogs are quite infrequent to say the least. Any who, bear with me as I try to do this. I'm sure there will be some lists to discuss, some rants to laugh about, and maybe some things to make your eyes roll. I'm gonna say the latter for the most part.

Things that are going through my head right now:

Why is my launch music radio station playing Belly's "Feed the Tree"? (secondly, why do you know this song?)
Why can't the Broncos beat the Colts?
Why is my stomach gurgling so much lately?
Why do I have writer's block for a work thing right now?
Any input on these questions would be greatly appreciated.

And now just because I need a good laugh:

Hope to see you all tomorrow!

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