Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Just when you think you're out........

they pull you back in again!

I guess I sorta feel like Michael Corleone right now. I was all ready to say goodbye to lost. The show had pretty much annoyed me for the first six episodes this year, to the point where I no longer felt it was a necessity to watch. I told myself that if today's episode wasn't good enough I would be okay with walking away from it and not returning when it came back in February.

So I turned on the episode and I have to say it was easily my favorite episode this season. It left off at a point where I just want to know what's gonna happen next. Stupid networks and their stupid cliffhangers that keep you coming back. Dang you ABC, dang you!!!

So if you watched, what's gonna happen next?


Curelover said...

Who cares ... the show is so overrated!? (sigh) Can it please go away now???? Ugh.

Hedwig said...

whatever new wave. BGG SUCKS!!! haha. i predict...that they will remain on the island.