So usually I would have put this post on my other website: www.stupidaimconvos.blogspot.com but because of this blogging everday thing on this site I have decided to move it here.
This is an actual conversation had this afternoon as I was watching Star Wars episode II (yes again, only this time I was watching football as well)
BSH84: begin......this clone war has
ushamuka: ur watching 2?
BSH84: yeah its on
BSH84: there seems to be 2 star wars on the 3 different cinemaxs everyday
BSH84: 4 is on later
ushamuka: haha
BSH84: i think the big battles between the robots and the clones is kinda stupid
BSH84: cause really, they are both easily replaceable
BSH84: so why even fight?
BSH84: ponder that
ushamuka: because they need to distract each other
ushamuka: so the emperor can do his business
BSH84: yes but both sides are being manipulated, dooku and the jedis leading the campaign
BSH84: i have no life
ushamuka: but dooku is being lead by the emperor
ushamuka: so it is still the jedis vs the sith
BSH84: hmm very true
BSH84: but my point was that they both use pawns and how futile it is
ushamuka: that's all wars
ushamuka: you can't just send out the leader to fight the leader
ushamuka: unless you are william wallace
BSH84: ah so true
ushamuka: and duh, who wants to see a 2 hour jedi battle
ushamuka: i'd much rather see a 30 minute pod race and other fillers
BSH84: but with wars here on earth actual humans die, and thus can sway the public.......in the star wars universe what are the systems supposed to say? oh man we lost a lot of robots there
BSH84: don't diss the pod race....it waver very exciting
ushamuka: well clones have feelings too
ushamuka: and so do the robots
ushamuka: the star wars robots are very sophisticated
BSH84: haha, i thought when raising the clones they took out those genes
ushamuka: or else they wouldn't run away
ushamuka: you would think so, but then why would that explain why boba fett was a whiny bitch
BSH84: they gave them loyalty, but not necessarily feelings...except gay feelings between 2 robots in particular
ushamuka: if the robots were loyal they wouldn't run away from jedis
BSH84: boba fett was an unaltered clone, hence jango was a little whiney bitch
ushamuka: ummm yeah that relationship was sexy
ushamuka: hahhha
ushamuka: i'm doing my physiology
BSH84: this is by far our gayest conversation
ushamuka: and talking about star wars
ushamuka: yeah i was about to say that
ushamuka: but it's okayi
ushamuka: it's about real issues
BSH84: yes i agree
BSH84: i also think i found my blog of the day
BSH84: since i'm trying to blog everyday this month
BSH84: there should be a class on the science of star wars
BSH84: including the aspects we dicuss....science, philosophy, so much could be covered
ushamuka: yes
ushamuka: and also about being abstinent
BSH84: i think that would come with the corse
BSH84: course
ushamuka: yeah see that course would be like being a jedi
ushamuka: cause you would have to refrain from love and sex
ushamuka: 2 things a jedi can't have anyways
BSH84: refrain or have it thrust upon you?
ushamuka: so what george lucas was actually saying is that the jedis were a bunch of nerds
ushamuka: and that midichlorians are nerd juice that deters chicks away from them
BSH84: haha
BSH84: where can one find said juice?
ushamuka: obi man wah kenobi
BSH84: hahahahah
So if you read all that, you must think either these are the two coolest people ever, or wow I can't believe I know these people and I've never speaking to them again. Either way, the star wars kid don't have nothing on us!
1 comment:
i picked the latter-i can't believe i know these people. that was so dumb..funny at times, but really i couldnt finish reading all that...cant believe u guys spent all that time on robots and clones and all that...
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