Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things I Hate #3

Okay if you are going to smoke weed, whatever, but don't come crying to me about the cops taking your "medical marijuana." First of all the people I have spoken to on the phone are not cancer patients and one guy I really believe is just a freelance weed user. If that’s your choice, that’s fine, but don't say you need it for medical reasons. Anyway one of these genius people called me at work the other day and started going off on all these odd tangents (she said it was because she didn't have her medicine, my guess is she was medicating with other things, but I digress). She mixed up what I was saying about Federal DEA agents whom she brought up and local authority’s jurisdiction officers which I know somewhat about. Anyway long story short, she immediately gets the facts wrong and posts it on her weed message boards. Naturally the "weeders" come to her defense and begin calling me, to which I have to explain to all of them what we were talking about. I asked that she wait until I finish looking into her case before she begins posting my names on the board with incorrect information that I was looking into. So yeah that’s how I spent my morning yesterday. If you would like to read the boards let me know I'll find them for you. At one point a guy calls me an Ass Clown!!!

1 comment:

Hutch said...

Are you implying that a pothead is incapable of having a rational conversation? Weed opens the mind to new understanding man!

/not advocating pot
//idiot neighbor keeps smoking it near my window