Sunday, April 22, 2007


So this will probably be many of my readers favorite blog. Why you ask? oh cause it involves me getting hurt....badly.

So today I was at church, setting up for this coming Saturday's rummage sale (If you are in town go and support!). Anyway, I put up some tables, put up some racks for clothes, I was feeling pretty good. Then someone says that we need the two signs up. The signs are tied to real estate metal posts that we stick in the ground. With the recent rain, I figured that the ground should be pretty soft. I stick the first metal post in the ground and use the proper spots to push down with my feet to get in in the ground. Unfortunately for me however, the ground was still kind of hard, and my shoes were kinda weak. Thus i push down and feel a sharp pain that I shall not soon forget. I instantly realize what i did, I pushed the metal footing piece through my shoe and into my foot. I jump off and at that point feel the full extent of the pain. I fall to the floor and start pounding, no crying just more yelling into the ground and pounding my fist. Think of it if I were a compulsive gambler and I just lost a huge bet and i was kicking and pounding the floor...this is all speculative of course.

So at this point I get a quick tape up job and get sent off to kaiser Baldwin Park. There after sitting in the waiting room I get to see my doctor. She orders some x-rays to make sure that I didn't' hit bone (yeah it went that deep). That turned out negative so it was just a tetanus shot, some stitches, a boot, and some crutches...oh the joy!

Here is a picture I took on my cell phone of my doctor doing my stitches:

So from then on I have been in pretty significant change for the rest of the day. I don't think I will be able to drive to work tomorrow, we'll see about Tuesday.

Lesson learned: use a hammer to put posts in the ground people, even if the ground is supposed to be soft.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Landlord

For those of you who haven't been online the past couple of days, you are missing one of the great 2 minute comedic skits, "The Landlord". I have watched it numerous times during the past 2 days, (it gets me through work). I think my favorite line is "I'm not doing so good Pearl." Trust me you'll see why.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Question of the Day?

I asked this question to John the other day and then we debated it after. So now I ask you my loyal viewers:

"Would you rather go sailing with Tim Crews or flying with Cory Lidle?"

-Its thought provoking I know.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Umm okay

"Listen to friends with an ear to the future" -my fortune cookie.

What does that even mean?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


For the past couple of months I have become increasingly annoyed with the am 570 KLAC afternoon drive co-host Petros Papadakis. At my wits end I decided to email the station this letter:

Dear Money and KLAC Management,

Please discontinue Petros Papadakis from being the co-host of the late after show. It is unbearably bad. I can no longer listen to the show that I had enjoyed from its inception because of his constant lack of knowledge on sports subject matter, his constant interruptions, and most of all his yelling and slobbering into the microphone. Matt “Money” Smith can easily hold down the show himself. It would be to the betterment of the show and the station as a whole to rid yourself of Mr. Papadakis as quickly as possible. Until this happens I will have to listen to those other two afternoon hosts on another station, who I find annoying as well, although, at least they know what they are talking about, and do so in a normal calm matter.


Bradley Hutchins

Just a little bit later, then man himself Petros emailed me back, not just once, but twice!

"thats true that guy sucks

followed up by:

you are also right about the slobbering

I didn't respond to either of them. Should I or just enjoy the emails I got in return?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Opening Day

After what feels like forever, major league baseball's opening day is finally here for the Dodgers. For all you to enjoy, here is the Dodgers vs. Brewer opening day blog!

Here are some early observations:
I feel bad for the Brewers, I don't even think they sold out half of their stadium
It's good to see the Dodgers with their names on their backs, stupid idea Mr. McCourt.
Sweet! Vin Scully will be doing the game, I know you are thinking..umm Brad he always does. That's where you are wrong, he only goes to western division road games. All the other road games he stays home for.
Okay here we go....Sheets! Lowe! Brewers! Dodgers!

My friend Will has just predicted that if Brady Clark plays he will do something....keep this in mind to see if his premonition comes true.

1st Inning.
No Rafael Furcal today, this is game 1 without the normal projected lineup. What's the line for games with the normal players? It can't be higher than 100.
Ah crap, Pierre reminds me of Delino Deshields the way he wears his helmet. This can't be good. After Vinny mentions Pierre was the hardest guy to strike out last year, what does he do? Yep strike out swinging.....great. Martin and Nomar pop out.

Brewers get two weak hits to open the 1st. I hope Lowe took his ADD medicine. Who has a stronger arm? Pierre, Damon or Bernie Williams? Force out scores 1. Well could have been worse. End of 1. Brewers 1 Dodgers 0

Second Inning
Kent's mustache makes me want to shave today. WHOOO KENT HOMERS! BOOYAH! THE POWER OF THE STACHE!

Wait Craig Counsell still plays? When did this happen? I just tuned over to the Yankees/D-rays game. Eljah Dukes on TB is gonna be a beast. Plus his dad is in jail for murder so you know he is a badass. Okay back to the Dodgers. Fricking Lowe, gives up another run, and now has 2 on with 2 out. Now the bases are loaded for the Brewer's star Bill Hall.....I'm calling double. Deep Fly out..phew
Brewers 2 Dodgers 1

Third Inning
Dodgers do nothing, a bottom of the lineup inning. I should have made lunch.

Johnny Estrada, as Vin just told us is a huge Raider fan. My new least favorite player ladies and gentlemen! Brewers get another one on a Sac Fly. Andre Ethier did just make an awesome catch on the play.
Brewers 3 Dodgers 1

Fourth Inning
3 lazy fly ball outs for the Dodgers. Ben Sheets doesn't even look like he is trying.

Well Lowe also doesn't look like he is trying, but I think its not quite the same thing. Seriously, can Lowe go through 1 inning without putting two men on? Fine, how about not giving up a run? hmm not so much. Warm up Billingsly please. Old-man Gonzalez just lost a ball in the dome, cost the dodgers 2 runs. Its okay though, cause he has never played in a dome before right? wait...what?...oh well at least the yankees are losing too.
Brewers 6 Dodgers 1.

Fifth Inning
Gonzo totally makes up for his misplay by....flying out. 12 straight Dodgers have failed to reach base, just wanted to point that out.

Dodgers take out Lowe and Gonzo and replace them with Mark Hendrickson and Brady Clark...ooh maybe Will's premonition will come true!
Shocking no runs!
Brewers 6 Dodgers 1

Sixth Inning
Update: The shots of the empty stadium were taken earlier, there is a big crowd there. Good for the Brewers. No good Dodger news 15 in a row retired by Sheets. I'm gonna go make a sandwich.

Seventh Inning
Back again after making lunch, I missed a Brewers Home run...Bill Hall. I did make it back in time to see the Sausage Race. The rookie Chorizo sausage looks like he still needs more seasoning (zing!). The veteran Italian pulled off the victory, way to go Italian sausage!

Dodgers go out in order again.
Brewers 7 Dodgers 1 - no brewer 7th inning update. I'm gonna eat my lunch now.

8th inning
Okay I'm back. Update: I was mistaken, Ethier came out for Brady Clark, not Gonzo....which makes total sense cause Ethier made an awesome defensive play, where Gonzo lost a ball, so naturally you take out the better one. It's science.
Ben Sheets has now retired 21 straight Dodgers. Either he is really good or the Dodgers are that crappy. Today it could be a combo of the two. The Bottom of the lineup is coming up for the Dodgers, I'm pretty sure no one is gonna reach.
Brewers 7 Dodgers 1

9th Inning
Well Will was right, Brady Clark just hit a double! watch out now. Well that was the end of any rally. Ben Sheets gets the complete game 2 hitter.
Final Brewers 7 Dodgers 1.

Final Thoughts: If the season ended today, then we'd be in last place. Stupid Dodgers. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day right?