Sunday, April 22, 2007


So this will probably be many of my readers favorite blog. Why you ask? oh cause it involves me getting hurt....badly.

So today I was at church, setting up for this coming Saturday's rummage sale (If you are in town go and support!). Anyway, I put up some tables, put up some racks for clothes, I was feeling pretty good. Then someone says that we need the two signs up. The signs are tied to real estate metal posts that we stick in the ground. With the recent rain, I figured that the ground should be pretty soft. I stick the first metal post in the ground and use the proper spots to push down with my feet to get in in the ground. Unfortunately for me however, the ground was still kind of hard, and my shoes were kinda weak. Thus i push down and feel a sharp pain that I shall not soon forget. I instantly realize what i did, I pushed the metal footing piece through my shoe and into my foot. I jump off and at that point feel the full extent of the pain. I fall to the floor and start pounding, no crying just more yelling into the ground and pounding my fist. Think of it if I were a compulsive gambler and I just lost a huge bet and i was kicking and pounding the floor...this is all speculative of course.

So at this point I get a quick tape up job and get sent off to kaiser Baldwin Park. There after sitting in the waiting room I get to see my doctor. She orders some x-rays to make sure that I didn't' hit bone (yeah it went that deep). That turned out negative so it was just a tetanus shot, some stitches, a boot, and some crutches...oh the joy!

Here is a picture I took on my cell phone of my doctor doing my stitches:

So from then on I have been in pretty significant change for the rest of the day. I don't think I will be able to drive to work tomorrow, we'll see about Tuesday.

Lesson learned: use a hammer to put posts in the ground people, even if the ground is supposed to be soft.


Jim said...

Wow, I'm sorry about your injury! And I hope your shoes are okay too, but I guess it doesn't sound too good...

Amy said...

i cant wait to see the actual foot..when will those pics be up?

Cup-O-Noodles said...

Damn dude... this is fucked up. Mayeb Jesus wanted you to know what it's like to get something jabbed through the feet. It hurts. haha. sorry. When are we getting the guys together to play poker. Maybe you can win some money to pay your medical bills.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the doctor's number?