Tuesday, April 03, 2007


For the past couple of months I have become increasingly annoyed with the am 570 KLAC afternoon drive co-host Petros Papadakis. At my wits end I decided to email the station this letter:

Dear Money and KLAC Management,

Please discontinue Petros Papadakis from being the co-host of the late after show. It is unbearably bad. I can no longer listen to the show that I had enjoyed from its inception because of his constant lack of knowledge on sports subject matter, his constant interruptions, and most of all his yelling and slobbering into the microphone. Matt “Money” Smith can easily hold down the show himself. It would be to the betterment of the show and the station as a whole to rid yourself of Mr. Papadakis as quickly as possible. Until this happens I will have to listen to those other two afternoon hosts on another station, who I find annoying as well, although, at least they know what they are talking about, and do so in a normal calm matter.


Bradley Hutchins

Just a little bit later, then man himself Petros emailed me back, not just once, but twice!

"thats true that guy sucks

followed up by:

you are also right about the slobbering

I didn't respond to either of them. Should I or just enjoy the emails I got in return?


Curelover said...

Sadly I don't think there is anything you can do ... I don't like when he is on K and B either because he bugs. You could reply but I'm sure it would do nothing.

Hutch said...

Yeah, you should reply.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

What is his claim to fame anyway? He never got beyond college ball, am I right?

A very aggressive voice but he just doesn't have the pedigree to make the jump to sport's commentating.