Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Rivalry Renewed!

If you ask most people what the best rivalry is in college sports, you'd probably get the typical Michigan vs. Ohio St. or USC vs. UCLA, well I think I found one to add to that list. The University of California, Riverside Highlanders and the California State University, Long Beach 49ers!
I attended UCR for 4 years, and not one time during my years as a student did I actually attend a sporting event for the university, odd I know, but it wasn't what the kids were doing.

About 2 weeks ago I checked the yahoo sports page for the UCR Basketball Team and found that they were playing Long Beach on January 19th. Having no plans I called Long Beach State alum John and asked if he was willing to put school pride on the line and drive out to Riverside to watch the game. Naturally he said yes and the rivalry game was on!

Here are some random pictures from the game and the day out in the Riverside area:

Three games of bowling:

In UCR's defense the lanes were more for straight bowlers and those who throw a hook have a hard time. That said, did LBST really have to do the dirty bird?

For those who love food, or for those who went to UCR and remember the awesome food we used to have, I give to you the Carne Asada Fries....mmm carne asada fries..mmmmm

Okay now for the reason you are all reading this blog, to see who won the game....

The Highlanders...

or the 49ers?

The action was slow and tedious in the first half, but picked up at the end giving UCR a slight lead at the half:
34-33 UCR with the lead at the half!

Once the second half started, Long Beach seemed to take control of the game, and with approximately 4 minutes remaining they had a commanding 7 point lead, thus bringing down the spirits of the 250 - 300 people in attendance at the Recreation Center. About this time LBST had a brain lapse and put 6 players on the court for an inbound following a time-out. That lead to a two shot technical foul and some momentum for the home team! Down the stretch it seemed to be foul after foul, luckily UCR had some clutch shooters:

Amazingly UCR was able to come from behind and shock their Big West Rival! The crowd went crazy and the LBST fans were left to try to figure out how they just lost the game:

U-C-R! U-C-R! U-C-R!

All and all it was a fun game and a fun day. Now if only we can keep winning through the Big West Tournament and get to the Show! Oh and Cal Poly out!!

Random Piece of Knowledge: President Andrew Jackson's pet parrot had to be removed from his funeral in 1845 because it was swearing.


John said...

damn that dirty bird! it cost us the game. thats what i get for taunting!

Curelover said...

Lame Lame but the fries looked good.

Amy said...

carne asada fries...interesting. never heard of such things. they look tasty

Will said...

The University of Rochester, ranked #1 in Division III basketball, beat their rival Brandeis University, ranked #2 in Division III basketball, Saturday night.

However, they're ranked #31 in the U.S. News college rankings and Rochester is #35.

Wait... what do I care. I went to Michigan for undergrad.