Friday, August 17, 2007

Suck it University of San Diego!

So today U.S. News and World Report published their list of America's Top Colleges

We're #96! We're #96 We're #96!

And no, I don't take these things completely serious, but just to mention schools not on the list:

Biola University

California State University Long Beach

California State University San Diego yeah Go Highlanders


John said...

i heard we're 101. maybe we'll crack the list next year? bitch.

Jim said...

The release of the US News rankings is the only time of the year that I'll actually visit the US News website. Apparently it's a weekly news magazine the rest of the year... who knew?

I think Duke dropped a few spots. Maybe it was because of the lacrosse scandal, but the school was definitely weakened when I graduated and left campus...

Hutch said...

Congrats on being the Harvard of the 909. You have brought glory to the dirt people.