Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Lincoln's B-day

Because I work for the County of Orange (the most Republican County in America, according to the emails i receive) I was off today to celebrate our 16th President. Here are some random facts I learned today about the man, the myth and the legend.

- Lincoln grew his beard at the suggestion of a woman, Grace Bedell, who told the presidential candidate that she would get her 4 brothers to vote for him if he followed her advice.

- John Wilkes Booth's brother Edwin Booth saved Robert Lincoln from being hit by a train after he was accidentally pushed onto the platform.

- The last Lincoln descendant was Robert Lincoln's grandson Robert Todd Lincoln, who passed away in 1985.

- Lincoln was colorblind

- Lincoln is the only U.S. president to hold a patent. He came up with an idea that would help boats to float over sandbars when traveling on rivers.

- Lincoln, like many Americans was afraid of dentists, although his fear came from a time when a dentist broke off part of his jawbone while pulling a tooth.

Anyway, Lincoln was a great president who we should all look up to. The political system is far different today than it was back then. Would Honest Abe even make it through the early primaries today? With that, I would like to take a moment and say thank you to our forefathers who elected such a great man.

1 comment:

Hedwig said...

Abe Lincoln also had Marfan's, the same disease that "RENT" musical composer, Johnathan Larson had and subsequently died from complications of.