Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A new holiday....

Working for the County of Orange I was pretty sure I knew every holiday possible (I'm off Columbus Day for goodness sake). Anyway I came into work today and read the news like I always do only to find that I was at work when I really shouldn't be. The reason you ask?


Although its currently only being celebrated in South Carolina I think that I gotta push Orange County to start recognizing it as well. I mean, I'm sure Germany celebrates Kaiser Wilhelm's and Adolf Hitler’s great wars right? And doesn't Japan throw big parties to commemorate their participation in World War II? Oh wait they don't cause they lost!!! Please don't give me the "ooh its our heritage" cause its bullcrap. You lost get over it. If you have the right to fly your confederate flag I should be given the right to fly my flag that says South Carolina got its ass handed to them by New England. I mean that’s my heritage right?

Why was May 10th chosen you may ask? This day marks the death of Confederate commander Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson and the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

The part that baffles me the most is that this "official holiday" in South Carolina was implemented in 2000 as part of a compromise that also made Martin Luther King Day a permanent holiday. I swear every time I hear South Carolina I think of what my American Politics teacher told me: "South Carolina is too small to be considered a country, and to big to be considered an insane asylum."

Anyway I'm getting angry writing this so I’ll end it here with one more picture:

These are the actual chairs that General Grant and General Lee used when Lee surrendered. So just in case anyone from the South forgot.....umm you still lost!


John said...
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John said...

nicely done. i think they should have battled on yo momma instead or dance 360 perhaps?

Jim said...

Here in Virginia we have "Lee-Jackson Day." It's pretty messed was traditionally celebrated the same day as what eventually became Martin Luther King Day. When MLK Day became a federal holiday, they thought, hey, let's just make it one big holiday! So for the next 16 years or so it was "Lee-Jackson-King Day." Yeah, celebrating Confederate generals and civil rights on the very same day, that's brilliant. But "thankfully" that changed in 2000, and now Virginians celebrate Lee-Jackson Day the Friday before MLK Day.