Monday, May 08, 2006

Whats an eltdown?

Being a political science major, I always get somewhat interested come election time. As the primary election is about a month away I have been looking at the two democratic candidates for governor, Steve Westly and Phil Angelides. The republicans have decided to back Arnold for another term for some strange reason so there really isn't much to decide in that regard. Being open minded I decided to check out both their websites to see what their issues are.

Both of them seem relatively nice, open to change and have their own agenda for where they want to take the state and such, all of which is fine and dandy. Then i decided to check out their photo galleries and such, and thats where I found something very disturbing on Westly's website. Here it is:

Yeah that's right you saw it here first. That is a picture of him and his wife. And we all know what I say when I see something like this. So if you are voting Democratic, you gotta vote Angelides!


John said...

what a sell out bitch!

Curelover said...

gosh another lame sell out couple. it makes me sick to see all these asian women with white guys. sick sick sick. those women should be put to death ... wait a minute ......

Darth said...

I hope I never end up a complete tool like that guy...