Thursday, May 04, 2006

This post should have probably been first.

Okay this is my second post although it probably should have been my first. I had been wanting to have my own blog for a while now, but I was always fearful that I wouldn't be able to make it an accurate reflection of myself, nevertheless I will try.

The origin of the site's name is shockingly not related to the Dodgers or the Broncos, but instead to tv. It's at the begining of an episode of Futurama. Rather than butcher the story line, i'll just post the video itself, don't worry you only need to watch less than 2 minutes of it, unless you wish to watch it all:

Yeah, yeah I know its not that funny, but I always get a kick out of it so deal!

There really isn't a much of a purpose to this blog, if something bothers me, an issue comes up that I want to voice my concern for to the masses (and by masses I mean the 10 people that may actually read this), or I just want to bitch and complain about something going on I'll have an outlet to do so. My only concern is that I'll be able to keep it fresh and entertaining enough so that you will all want to come back.

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