Thursday, June 08, 2006

Things I Hate #2

The thing I hate right now is the idiot jury forewoman from the jury I just served on. Let's see why she is stupid:

1. Indirectly called me a racist. I called her out of line...she backed down
2. She thought all cops were crooked and all their testimony was lies.
3. The defendant in the case took the stand and she saw him as the perfect witness.
4. Tried to make the case about race.
5. Kept making up hypothetical situations that didn't relate to the case.
6. Wanted to have a group discussion after the case. (I left)
7. Kept talking and interrupting people.

Yeah that’s all I can think of right now. I'm getting angry just remembering it. Spending 2 days in a locked room debating her got old fast.....really really fast.

1 comment:

Cup-O-Noodles said...

She must have been Irish.