Thats right, I've deciced to tear my ACL. I recently watched the Oregon Ducks QB tear his, and he was back on the field watching the team before having to go and have surgery. I figure if I can blow my right knee out, I will have to keep it stabalized for a while, and thus will not be able to drive my car!! It's a win/win, since I can stay home and relax, without having to feel guilty about taking long periods of time off for no reason. Plus I'll get to use a lot of my leave time that i'll never be able to use up! What could possibly go wrong?
So I did some research and it appears these are probably the best ways to do it:
1. Football or baseball player making a fast cut and changing direction. - I play softball tomorrow and might play football on Thursday morning, I can easily plant my foot and turn awkwardly.
2. Basketball player coming down after a jump shot or the gymnast landing on a dismount. - We recently took the couches out from the backyard freeing up my basketball court. Time to go get a ball!
3. Baseball player sliding into a base with the knee hyperextended with additional force upon hyperextension. - This one could be hard since I usually don't slide, I'll guess I'll have to take this up if I get on base.
4. Football or soccer player quickly slowing down followed by a quick turn in direction. - This also shouldn't be that hard as I am naturally slow and will be able to turn quickly if needed.
Ah yes the perfect plan!
I know ... just get a new job!! Arse.
this is so freaking funny and ironic that you blogged about this. i just got off my sports medicine rotation and all i heard about was knees and shoulders. just jump up and land with your knees turned in over and over and over again. that should at least do some damage to your MCL and then with that unstable knee your ACL should follow haha. i try to get away from work and read your blog and work follows me!!!
this can't be good for anyone. what if you didn't recover from it or something though?
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