Monday, November 19, 2007

Things I Hate #4

So its been a while since I did one of these in my continuing series so here it goes. I hate driving to work in the morning now when the sun is out. Before the most recent time change, I would leave my house around 6:35ish and pull into my parking structure around 7:20. Now because of the sun and how it hits the 5 freeway, stupid people drive so much slower than they had before so that I have to leave my house before 6:15 just to make it in before 7:30. Hasn't anyone heard of sunglasses or using that visor thing above you head to block the sun? It's really not that difficult here people. Whatever....At least the past couple of days have been overcast so I can leave at a normal time again...I'm sure that will end shortly.

1 comment:

Curelover said...

Are you sure it is the sun's fault? I think people are just bad drivers regardless.